The COVAP group is made up of the following investee companies on the national level: Làctia, Lactiber, and Naturleite and on the international level: COVAP USA and UK.

Lactiber León
Lactiber was launched in the year 1970 as Lecherías del Noroeste SA, under the tradename "Leche El Castillo". In 2007, Covap and Iparlat acquired the Trobajo del Cerecedo dairy operation through Lactiber Corporación, a joint project with which they hoped to become leaders of the industry in Spain. This gave rise to Lactiber León, the name by which the plant is currently known. More recently its trajectory has been linked to the Mercadona distribution chain for which it produces 140 million litres of UHT products including classic milk, lactose-free milk, calcium-enriched milk, milkshakes, baby formulas, milk with fiber, evaporated milk, cooking cream, and its range of protein-enriched products: high protein milkshakes and high protein skimmed milk.

Làctia Agroalimentaria
Làctia Agroalimentària was born in 2016 with a cooperative, collaborative spirit, held jointly by Covap, the Andalusian cooperative, and Lletera de Campllong, a Catalan cooperative. The two companies joined forces to show that, through cooperations between small family farms, a business model can be developed that brings value for both farmers and consumers, based on the quality of the product, so that they can enjoy the best milk, produced locally and therefore fresher, with a commitment to the environment, optimizing a circular economy model that serves as a benchmark in the agri-food industry.

Naturleite, the production plant of which is located in Meira (Lugo), has been a company of the COVAP group since 2018 and is dedicated to the manufacturing and marketing of dairy products since January 2019, following the materialization of the purchase of this branch of activity from Leche Celta. With the start of activity by Naturleite in the Galician market, the dairy market par excellence in Spain, COVAP wanted to consolidate its commitment to a way of doing things that goes beyond the conventional dairy industry. The origin and essence of Naturleite lies in farming, that's why its model is based on a close relationship with the environment and with suppliers, who are 100% Galician farmers.

In 2023, Naturleite acquired 100% of Cereales Rego, a family business with more than 50 years of history in the Meira region. Since its beginnings, the company has grown supported by the quality of its products and the productive potential of the region. In 1997, it moved to the Meira Industrial Estate, which allowed the automation of its industrial processes, always with the aim of supporting the livestock farmer. The acquisition by Naturleite reinforces the services to the Galician livestock farms and consolidates the company as a key player in the Galician primary sector.