Positive impact
Caring for the value of our world together.
We know that building a more sustainable, transparent, and committed Cooperative means going ever deeper and improving every day to continue generating a positive impact across our entire value chain. All with the premise of "caring for the value of our world together." To accelerate this path of continuous improvement and put our Purpose and Values into action, we have integrated all our stakeholders into a single model based on three strategic pillars:

Our Origin: We invest in our land, promoting the preservation and regeneration of the Dehesa and the social, economic, and cultural development of our community. Our Model: We operate with excellence and innovation, improving the circularity and the environmental impact of our activities and operations. Our People: We bring people together by caring for their quality of life, satisfaction, and well-being like one big family. Global challenges require global solutions. That is why our Sustainability Strategy aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda, with a special emphasis on eight of them:

360º traceability from the Dehesa to the consumer
In every aspect of its operations, economic, environmental, and social, this is something that is inherent in our cooperative since its beginnings in 1959. The 360º traceability model starts with the agriculture and care of the Dehesa and covers farming and industrial production, going right through to the end consumer. All this with the premise of "caring for the value of our world together", to which end we have environmental projects at every stage of the agri-food chain.
Memorias sostenibilidad
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Positive impact on society
We ensure the quality of life and well-being of our people, the main generators and beneficiaries of the shared value inherent in the Cooperative's activities.

Positive impact on the environment
We guarantee a sustainable future for the territory because we are convinced that, in addition to offering quality, healthy, nutritional food products, our activities should take place in harmony with the environment.

Positive impact on governance
Part of the basis of our COVAP 360º model is economic sustainability, of which the concept of shared wealth forms an integral part.