
Get to know the day-to-day routine of our farmers at work on their cattle, Ibérico pig, sheep, and goat farms. Because it's thanks to their hard work, dedication, and love for what they do that today, COVAP is committed to animal welfare, rigorous process control, and the supplying of products of guaranteed quality.

Ganderos dándoles pienso a las vacas

A day on a dairy cattle farm

Get to know the day-to-day routine of our dairy cattle farmers. Thanks to their passion and hard work, and their love for their animals, our Valle de Los Pedroches has become a prime milk-producing area.

The well-being on the farm and the attention given to the cows, combined with their genetic characteristics, specially designed diet, and the proximity of the farms to our factory, ensure the excellent quality of COVAP milk.
  • 05.30
    Vacas desayunando


    Our farmers get ready for another day full of unique moments. The best way to start the day with energy: A good breakfast, with the very best milk! Savoring the first moments of the morning.

  • 06.00
    Ganadero ordeñando a la vaca

    The morning milking

    It's time for the first milking and everything is ready to get quality fresh milk. Calmly and methodically, the cows enter the milking area, where hygiene, and of course the welfare of the animals, is given utmost importance.

  • 07.00
    Vaca pastando

    Breakfast time!

    It’s time for lunch and silence descends upon the Dehesa once more for a brief moment while the cows enjoy a delicious meal specially prepared for them by COVAP’s Animal Feed plant.

  • 10.30
    Camión cisterna saliendo con la leche ya recogida

    Collecting the milk

    At COVAP, we collect the milk every day, which guarantees that it is fresh and pure, because our members are located very close to our plant: only 50 km away. This ensures traceability, quality, and a good relationship with our farmers.

  • 12.00
    Téncico revisando a través de un panel táctil

    Time for a check-up

    Each day, our specialists pay a visit to give advice and help to our farmers and check that the farm is running perfectly and the cows are healthy. Everything ship-shape!

  • 14.00
    Dos ganaderos sonrientes

    And finally... Lunchtime!

    One of the most eagerly awaited moments of the day: lunchtime. Time for a well-earned rest, with good food on the table, and the very best company, of course. On family-run farms we find COVAP's finest asset: our young people.

  • 16.00
    Ganadero en la granja comprobando que no les falte de nada

    Back to the farm

    Now it’s time for another turn around the farm to check that all of the cows have food and fresh, clean water. Having checked all of that, the farmers can relax: they are sure that their animals are wanting for nothing!

  • 18.00
    Ganadero ordeñando a las vacas

    Afternoon milking

    It’s time for the second milking of the day: after a quality lunch and a day full of activity, comfort, and rest, the cows enter the pens again, in orderly fashion, to give their best milk, full of the flavors of the dehesa and the purity and authenticity of our Valley.

  • 20.30
    Ganadero dando un biberón a una ternerita

    And during the night... Surprise!

    The most unexpected things can happen during the night, such as the arrival of a new member to the farm. The farmer then has to get up and rush off to help with the birth of a calf. Welcome to the farm!

Mapa político de España

280 dairy cattle farms

280 dairy cattle farms

The dairy cows of the COVAP farmers are high-yield animals. The Friesian breed can achieve an average output of over 35 liters.

Mapa político de EspañaBadajoz

Mapa político de EspañaCiudad Real

Mapa político de EspañaCórdoba