Fundación Ricardo Delgado Vizcaíno

The foundation, Fundación Ricardo Delgado Vizcaíno, was set up by COVAP on April 2nd 1996, in memory of our founding chairman, a natural leader of the cooperative movement, who was capable of seeing beyond the here and now, to imagine a better future, to inspire a desire for change in those around him and remove obstacles, a man with the strength and courage to put ideas into practice, with integrity and honesty, hard work and austerity, values which allowed him to convince others and unite the efforts and aspirations of many farmers and workers who joined the company.

As the Foundation's chairman, Santiago Muñoz Machado, said at a public presentation in October 1996:

The farming cooperative, "Cooperativa ganadera del Valle de los Pedroches", known as COVAP, has not only realized that the training of farmers is a key to economic process, but is also committed to giving back to the community and has set up a foundation bearing the name of the person who dedicated his life to the project, in order to share, with other farmers and the industries and inhabitants of the area, the message that training and culture are the keys to the success that the organization has achieved.

Activities of the Foundation




The Foundation's flagship activity, the Autumn Seminars, directed by the chairman, Santiago Muñoz Machado, in cooperation with UIMP, initially, and more recently, the Fundación Ortega y Gasset. The Foundation is also involved in the publication of books, one highlight being a Library of Spanish Classics, as well as summer camps, the "Corduba" university extension courses, in cooperation with the University of Cordoba, the "Guadamora" chamber music competition, High School graduation awards, and our traditional Christmas Concert.


High-School Graduation Awards 2020-2021
Fundación Ricardo Delgado Vizcaíno

With the aim of rewarding the achievements of the best high-school graduates in our area and reminding the public that work and effort are worthwhile, the Fundación Ricardo Delgado Vizcaino has organized High-School Graduation Awards, which are assigned each year to the students achieving the best academic results at the end of the two-year course.

Click here to see the regulations governing the High-School Graduation Awards.

If you want to consult the jury's veredict of the Baccalaureate Awards in its 2019-2020 edition, click here


La Fundación Ricardo Delgado Vizcaíno le invita a sumergirse en las páginas de nuestra memoria anual. En cada página encontrará el reflejo de nuestro compromiso con nuestra zona. Desde la implementación de programas educativos innovadores hasta la organización de eventos culturales e iniciativas para proteger y preservar nuestra naturaleza.