El proyecto COVAP 45 recibe el XVI Premio Cristóbal de la Puerta


The publishing company “Editorial Agrícola Española S.A.” awarded the XVI Cristóbal de la Puerta Award to the project COVAP 45.

This project aims to achieve sustainable farms, providing our cows with a better quality of life within an integrated agri-food chain, collecting and organizing the data from each farm, sharing areas for improvement and developing a unified production model.

These actions are divided into three stages:

1. Firstly, the farmer implements a system developed to improve animal welfare, the balance and healthiness of its food and the milking process.

2. At a later stage, the efforts are directed at veterinary control, adjustment of the milking machinery and the cow's resting period.

3. Finally, the objective defined by COVAP is reached, building on the modernization of machinery, economic management of the farms and control and respect for the environment.

Thanks to this model we have a team of motivated breeders, who are committed to the Cooperative, receive recognition for their work and are proud to be part of COVAP 45.

This award is designed with a practical focus in order to help change the relationship between the farmer and the cooperative so that together they can improve the efficiency of the farms.

We would like to thank the publishing company “Editorial Agrícola Española S.A.”, our breeders and their technical team, the COVAP 45 partners (Zoetis, DeLaval, Hypred and Alltech) and of course all COVAP members who make this possible through their hard work.